Index :
Part One: The History of Compressors
Part Two: Thermodynamics of Gases and Condensation Processes in Compressors
Part Three: Compressor Classification
Section Four: Periodic Compressors
Part Five: Rotary Compressors
Section Six: Centrifugal Compressors
Section 7: Lubricants for Compressors
Section 8: Drying of gases
With the expansion of industries beginning in the second half of the nineteenth century and with the rapid growth of the twentieth century, it is to be expected that this rewarding machine will play a more important role in the newly started century in human welfare and industrial development. The importance of compressors is that the scope of application is rapidly expanding in the various branches of industry, medicine, home appliances, etc., so that its presence is nowadays highly visible in human societies, the major ones being From home appliances (refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners, vacuum cleaners), medical equipment (dental drills, air used in hospitals) to the aviation industry (compressed air for turbine engines) and industries (compressed air for pneumatic systems, gas condensers, storage) Gas and…). The compressor operating conditions in the industry are so wide that different types of compressors are used today in different capacities, from very low suction pressure (vacuum) to high pressure (more than 5 times).
The first section deals with the history of compressors and their associated terminology. The second section deals with the thermodynamics of gases and condensation processes in compressors. The third section deals with the compressor types and their general characteristics. The fourth part of the periodic compressors, the fifth part of the rotary compressors and the sixth part of the centrifugal compressors will be studied and the characteristics of each will be discussed. Section 7 is devoted to examining the methods of lubrication and appropriate lubrication in a variety of compressors. Regarding the problems caused by the presence of moisture in the gases, dehydration methods will be described in Section 8.
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