Specifications of electromotors
Specifications written on plaques typically include:

No: Factory-made number

Type: Includes all specifications of the electro-motor which are available in the factory catalog or in correspondence with the factory or when purchasing similar

A = indicates the maximum allowable current of the electric motor that the flow rate should not be greater than the above value but

Always select the motor so that it works below the threshold value.

V = working voltage of the electric motor, which should not apply more or less voltage to the windings of the electric motor

4HZ, Electric Motors Must Operate at 2 Hz (Iranian Electricity)

4HZ, Electro motor must operate at 2 Hz (power frequency in some countries)

Note: The speed of the electric motors is related to the frequency, so the electromotor at 1 Hz, for example, is not far from the frequency of the other motors.

R.P. M = Indicates the electric motor speed in one minute on the output shaft.

KW = Indicates the power of the electric motor.

Note: If it was written on an electro motor, V = 0.8, it means that the electric motor in the 4V power grid used in some countries should be triangulated and in countries where the voltage is 1V (voltage between one phase and one). Null) like Iran should be closed as a star.

IP = Electrical motor protection against dust, etc. as shown in the table below.

All kinds of protection according to DIN 40050 standard

IP00 = Open without protection from contact with foreign objects and water

IP10 = Hand-held protection and large external objects - Water-proof

IP11 = Large External Hand Protections - Protected by water

IP20 = Fingerprint and medium weight non-waterproof

IP21 = Fingerprint and waterproof medium-sized

IP22 = Medium Weight Fingerprint Protector - Vertical or Protected Water Discharge

Miles with an angle greater than 2 degrees to the horizon

IP30 = Protective against contact with tools, etc. and lightweight foreign objects - no protection against water

IP31 = Lightweight - waterproof

IP32 = Protect against contact with tools, etc., and lightweight external objects - Protected against discharge vertically or inclined at an angle greater than 1 ° to the horizon

IP40 = All of the above except depth

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