High efficiency reducer electro gearboxes

How to choose an electric gearbox:
• Input power (for electric motor power with kWh or horsepower)
• Input Rpm (Rotating Shaft of Electro Motor per Minute)
• Output rotation (rotating shaft output per minute shaft rotation)
• Output torque size (usually measured in Newton meters)
• conversion ratio (obtained by dividing the output round number by the input round number)

Factors Influencing a Boxer:
The type of car for which the gearbox is selected
environment temperature
Ambient conditions (dust, humidity, frost, tropical, etc.)
Drive motor (type and specification)
Transmission type between gearbox (direct, via clutch coupling, variator)
Axis arrangement
The amount of radial load or propulsion and its causes

Tips to Install the Gearbox:
The gearbox must be screwed to a rigid base so that it does not vibrate
If there is a chance of impact, overload or grip from hydraulic couplings, torque limiters, clutches and so on. . . to be used .
Cover the bowls with paint to prevent the paint from getting damaged.
The machining tolerance of any gear, chain or coil mounted on the inlet and outlet axles shall be H7 ISO.
To prevent oxidation and grease of parts before contacting surfaces, contact and lubrication should be performed.
The gearbox hole has a H7 tolerance, all axles that are attached to it are usually H7 machined.
When you lubricate the gearbox with a combination grease, there is no need for further maintenance. But when mineral oil is used, it is advisable to replace the oil after 2 to 4 hours of initial work and it is best to rinse the gearbox. You should also inspect the oil level at regular intervals and replace the oil after 2 hours. If you are using synthetic oil you should replace it after 2 hours.

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